- It's really strange to see myself portrayed like that, because when you have those private moments it's only you having that private moment to yourself. And even when I was sitting for Renata, we did it quite briefly, you know, the sitting and, I didn't realise that I, I was so in that moment sitting for Renata and what this is, in her description, is so right. Like there's a type of stasis that you, that I have to come back to, to keep getting renewed enthusiasm to do the work round domestic abuse and coercive control. And there's something about sitting in the bedroom where a lot of my work is situated really, like in other people's bedrooms, are both potent in actuality and figuratively.
- And also coming back to the room and the importance of the environment. I was thinking, well, subject planning for you I'll take then you. For many women, the room, I mean we take it for granted, but bedroom is the place of, it's our sanctuary, where we come for inspires. But for many women that is the most dangerous place of all.