My chief interest, I think, has always been colour, but not a flat crude colour, it must be colour within colour; it has to shine.
I think my chief interest now is interiors. I used to be very fond of the bush but now I can’t manage to go out in the bush.
The large painting which I have in the Wills art prize competition is an interior. It’s a room with a wardrobe and a bed and a carpet but the chief thing to me was the yellow walls, so that is why I call it Interior in Yellow. It was a very exciting thing to do. I wanted to express the forms in colour with the light because the whole thing is meant to express an interior with the light.
I use squares in the way I paint, not from a conscious way but it came to me naturally because I feel in that way that light can be put into the colour. whereas just to put colour on to the surface in a flat way, I feel that it gives it a dead look.
The room is in my own home here and the sunlight did not come in in a definite way but the whole room seemed to be full of light, which is what I want to do more than the actual sunlight. I feel that even the shadows are a subdued light and they must have light in them as well as the light parts.