The Gallery will be open until 9pm this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Dr Joan Croll: When Frank came home and said, “John Brack’s agreed to do your portrait,” I was, “Oh, what am I going to look like?” When I look at my portrait I see somebody who likes fashion. That dress was a gorgeous dress – sadly, the moths got to it – and, I mean, the jewellery is attractive. And I see me, and it is me. I’m a bossy lady, and I look like a bossy lady. I’m always angry about something, or upset about something.
People ask me about how many letters I’ve written, and I’m incredibly famous for my letter writing. Well, when you write one every day, it’s a lot. Well, I wrote one this week about the crossword, because he had a stupid word in it that I didn’t agree with, and I couldn’t find it in my dictionary. So that moved me to write a letter. But not only that, it moved me to start tearing The Herald up into little strips, and putting the strips in my mulch heap, because I needed some dry matter, and it’s perfect. It gave me such pleasure. I had a heap three feet high.
I don’t really think that I have much particular purpose in life except to have fun. And I suppose that’s not very good. It’s rather selfish. But I like other people to have fun at the same time. Frank, my husband, said always, “You can do anything if you really want.” Now that, to me, is a purpose.
I started work when I was 47, and I had, well, a brilliant career. I’m very proud of being a Battler for Kelly’s Bush, and part of the Green Ban. I’m proud of being a battler for mammography, and being part of the National Breast Cancer Screening Program. And that, to me, is my legacy.