Our internal DIAP Working Group
To steer and guide the development of this DIAP, we established an internal DIAP Working Group, consisting of representatives from across the organisation. From within this Group, we appointed a Project Manager who worked closely with Accessible Arts to provide valuable information throughout the DIAP’s development.
This group will continue to meet at regular intervals during the DIAP’s implementation phase, to support, monitor and report on progress. Updates from this group will be provided to our Executive team.
Our external Disability Advisory Group
As part of this DIAP’s implementation, we will re-establish our external Disability Advisory Group. This group will be critical in bringing a ‘lived experience’ lens to our work, and providing expertise, advice and perspectives to assist our staff in the delivery of this DIAP. We may also engage other experts, partners and stakeholders with disability to assist us with elements of DIAP implementation.
The internal DIAP Working Group is responsible for sharing regular progress report updates to our Executive Team. We will provide an external report on DIAP progress annually, through our Annual Report, which is shared widely with all our stakeholder groups. In alignment with monitoring and reporting processes across our organisation, we will use a range of measures and measurement tools to track progress against targets.